90 years old this year!

William Poliet
President 2023 - 2025

Welcome to the web site of Coventry Magic Circle, a friendly gathering of like minded people who have a love for all things magical and the allied arts.

The society is gathered from all walks of life and all skill levels. The common bond is that we are all interested in improving our skills and knowledge and helping each other become better entertainers.

Welcome from our President!

We welcome all magicians from all disciplines as well as those from the allied arts. Here at Coventry Magic Circle we provide an environment that helps magicians to develop and improve their magical skills as well as their entertainment skills.

With lectures from top performing professionals along with club nights where we share our ideas and help each other, we are always looking to develop our members to help them become the performer they aspire to be.

We provide opportunities for our members to go out ‘live’ and perform magic on behalf of the club so that they can gain experience with ‘real’ non-magical audiences. Either table magic at dinners or more informal magic functions where novices and improvers can have a go at honing their magic chops.

Open evenings provide a way for people to come and see what we are all about - so keep your eye on the events calendar!